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      These Retail Employee Courses can be fully customized and branded as a complete package, or by groups of selected courses.  Additionally, corporate policies and procedures and emergency contacts can be added to the template lessons and conformed to corporate policies and preferred practices.

      Click the heading for more information about customization, corporate branding and modified course programs.

      The Course Key for the FREE DEMO COURSE for the SUSPICIOUS ENVELOPE/PACKAGE is "FREE2024" [case sensitive, no quotes].  After registration, enter the Course Key when requested.

Course Learning Modules


Being prepared to respond to suspicious packages or items is essential for the safety of employees and customers. This course is designed to provide knowledge and protocols necessary to handle such situations effectively and responsibly. Within this course, employees will learn how to recognize the characteristics of a suspicious package or item, understand the appropriate steps to take when one is discovered, and know how to safely evacuate the premises if necessary. Also covered will be how to communicate with emergency services and provide relevant information to aid in their response.

The Course Key for the FREE DEMO COURSE for the SUSPICIOUS ENVELOPE/PACKAGE is "FREE2024" [case sensitive, no quotes].  After registration, enter the Course Key when requested.

Understanding how to respond to an active shooter event is crucial for personal safety and the well-being of your fellow employees and customers. This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed so you can react quickly and effectively during such emergencies.

In the retail workplace environment, the possibility of an armed robbery is a serious concern, and being prepared can make a critical difference in ensuring the safety of employees and customers. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle such a high-stress situation calmly and effectively.

In the event of an actual explosion, either from a bomb or mechanical equipment, the safety and security of both employees and customers are paramount, especially in the face of potential threats such as bomb scares or actual explosions. This course is designed to prepare you to respond effectively and calmly in such critical situations.

Welcome to the Car Bomb Threat Response Training Course for Retail Employees. In today's world, it is crucial to be prepared for any potential threats to ensure the safety of both employees and customers. This course is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively respond to car bomb and hidden bomb threats.

This is a Training Course for retail employees about responding to Civil Protest and Demonstrations that might take place near your retail location. In an era where civil protests and demonstrations are increasingly common, it is essential for retail employees to know how to respond effectively to ensure the safety of both fellow employees and customers. This course aims to equip you with the necessary skills and strategies to handle situations when a protest or demonstration occurs near your location.

Ensuring the safety of employees and customers is a top priority, especially when confronted with the threat of a dangerous individual or an assault on the premises. This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively and maintain a safe environment in such critical situations.

During this training, you will learn how to recognize fire and smoke conditions, understand evacuation procedures, and properly use available fire safety equipment. The course will also cover how to communicate with emergency responders and assist others during an evacuation. By the end of this course, you will be prepared to handle fire emergencies with confidence, helping to protect lives and minimize damage to property.

In recent times, the threat of coordinated flash mob robberies has become a growing concern for retail businesses. This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to effectively respond to such incidents, ensuring your safety and the safety of employees and customers.  Throughout this training, you will learn how to recognize the signs of an impending flash mob robbery, understand the appropriate actions to take during the event, and know how to safely alert law enforcement. 

In any retail environment, being prepared to respond to medical emergencies can save the life of your fellow employees and customers. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively handle medical emergencies that may occur on the premises. Within this course, you will learn how to recognize common medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, and injuries, understand basic first aid techniques, and know when and how to summon professional medical assistance. We will also cover how to remain calm and provide reassurance to those in need, as well as how to communicate effectively with emergency responders. 

Smash and Grab incidents involving large groups of people have become a growing concern for retail businesses. This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to respond effectively to such events, ensuring the safety of employees and customers while minimizing loss. During this training, you will learn how to recognize the signs of an impending smash and grab event, understand the appropriate actions to take during the incident, and know how to safely alert law enforcement. 

The safety and security of employees and customers are of utmost importance, particularly in the rare but critical event of a hostage situation. This course is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to respond effectively, ensuring the best possible outcome for everyone involved. Throughout this training, you will learn how to recognize the early signs of a potential hostage situation, understand the appropriate steps to take to protect yourself and others, and know how to safely communicate with law enforcement. 

Welcome to the Organized Retail Crime Response Training Course for Retail Employees. Organized retail crime (ORC) poses a significant threat to businesses, resulting in substantial financial losses and operational disruptions. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to effectively respond to ORC events, safeguarding the assets and integrity of your retail establishment. By the end of this course, you will be better prepared to identify, address, and mitigate the risks associated with organized retail crime, contributing to a safer and more secure retail environment for employees and customers.

Natural gas leaks can pose significant risks, including explosions, fires, and health hazards. Proper training is essential for ensuring a swift and effective response to such emergencies. This online training module aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to respond to natural gas leaks safely and efficiently. This online training will cover, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to handle natural gas leak situations safely and effectively.